Monday, April 28, 2008

Matthew's First Century

I have been taking a daily walk with Matthew and our two dogs Paxil and Domino. About a month ago I decided to use the odometer on the jogging stroller to see how far we go by the end of April. By April 25th, Matthew and I had walked 97.6 miles. Unfortunately, after that the odometer batteries ran out and I didn't get the endorphin high of watching the numbers roll over to 100. However, I do know that by the end of the month we had walked 100 miles--Matthew's first Century. I have a feeling we won't be walking as much as we enter the hot and unbearably humid months, unless we walk in the morning... but until Matthew sleeps through the night (he still wakes up 2-5 times a night) I don't think I will be feeling much like waking up early in the morning to go for a walk... we'll see.

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