Friday, April 25, 2008

a fable about Matthew and the mouse

Dad here... Matthew has been crawling more and more efficiently, sometimes surprising us with his speed. The other day, I was using the laptop on the floor and before I knew it, Matthew crawled over and started using the mouse.

Also, nanna Josie (from daycare) has said that he is showing some early signs of walking. We have seen this for ourselves a few nights ago: when we are lying down, he is using our legs to prop himself up and keeping his balance in the process. Unfortunately, this is still a very spontaneous act so we have not been able to take a picture or capture it on video. Once we do, we'll post it here.

This means some serious baby-proofing of the house starts this weekend!!!

1 comment:

MommaHolmes07 said...

Sounds VERY familiar to the activities in the Holmes household also. I thought we would have more time until walking started. Not so sure anymore. Good luck!!!