Monday, May 5, 2008

Downtown Toy Thief

I try not to miss any social opportunities for Matthew and I lately. Now that Matthew is in daycare he has been playing with other children. However, his Mommy doesn't get as much exposure to other mommies of babies Matthew's age. On Sunday I had such an opportunity for a play "gathering" (I refuse to use the word "play date") at Discovery Green park in Downtown Houston. I am so lucky to have a friend like Laura (Collin's Mom) who is the unofficial social director. Matthew and I met with a group of four mothers and babies born within about 3 months of each other. Most of the babies were crawling. Matthew had so much fun, but I discovered something about my little guy... he is a little toy thief. He kept finding other kids toys and crawled to the other side of the blanket with them. At one time he had a toy in each hand and was crawling away with them. There was no crying involved so the other mommies laughed and just brought out new toys... which Matthew soon crawled to and took away.
Notice in the photo how Matthew has a toy in each hand. Neither of them are his.

1 comment:

MommaHolmes07 said...

It looks like all of you had fun on your PLAY DATE.

Daddy Holmes