Monday, April 21, 2008

International Balloon Chewing Matthew

Matthew had an exciting weekend. Tony and I took him to the International Festival in Downtown Houston on Saturday evening. We had to walk several blocks from the parking place and Matthew was looking up at the skyscrapers..or at least I think he was... I was too busy looking up at the skyscrapers. Matthew seemed unphased by the crowds and the variety of music that he experienced... Zydeco, African dancers, Mariachi, and some French music. Despite all of Matthew's stimuli he seemed focused on a balloon a greeter gave to him while I was food shopping at HEB. I attached it to his stroller for the whole day and it kept him entertained. Unfortunately, the rubber balloons only float for about a day so on Sunday we bought him a Mylar Elmo balloon. Photo to be included soon.

1 comment:

MommaHolmes07 said...

WAY too funny that our guys were introduced to balloons this weekend and were just as fascinated by them. Let's get together soon for crawling races!