Friday, April 4, 2008

Teething Bites!!

Arghh, I am functioning on very little sleep.. I am sure that many who have kids can remember the "teething phase". Matthew has two "little toofers" sprouting from his bottom gums so he can no longer be referred to as a "toothless gopher". He doesn't fuss most of the day, but at night he does not want to go to sleep. We have tried the wet frozen washcloth trick, teething rings, a little bit of Orajel... They seem to soothe him, but they don't help him sleep. In the meantime I am bumping into walls during the day, trying to recover from the lack of sleep. I thought I had the no sleep thing mastered, but Matthew stays a few steps ahead of me.

1 comment:

MommaHolmes07 said...

I wish I had other suggestions for you but it looks like I will be looking to you this time for teething solutions.

I have similar comments about photos on the blog. Hey, I am happy that you posted. Keep it up momma!