Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Uncle Jude Babysitting

Tony and I are fortunate that Matthew's Uncle Jude is very willing to babysit. He has been coming to visit every Friday after work (he works only half days on Fridays) and he babysits while I run errands. He has really been a godsend. This past Sunday he babysat for Matthew for five hours while Tony and I met some friends for lunch and went to see Avenue Q in the Theater District (a hilarious adult parody of Sesame Street). We had a great time. Meanwhile, Jude got to experience Matthew's many cycles of sleep, cry, eat, change diapers, play (or stare at this age). Unfortunately for Jude, Matthew often forgot the "sleep" and "play" of that cycle meaning that there was a lot of crying. Jude handled it very well though and took him for a stroll around the block, walked him around bouncing him, and sung to him.. Jude said none of them worked..oh well. Matthew was having a fussy week for me too. Jude does have a way with Matthew though as you can see.

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