Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Matthew's 2 month doctor appointment

Today I took Matthew to see his pediatrician. It was his 2 month well baby exam. The nurse weighed him at 13 lbs 10 oz and then measured him at 24.5 inches long. When the doctor came into the examining room she said to him, "It looks like you haven't missed any meals". Matthew then cried on cue as if he was insulted. The doctor then apologized. The doctor checked some of his motor skills by putting him on his stomach. Matthew lifted his head to look around and then he rolled over. The doctor was very impressed and told me that rolling over onto his back is a 4 month skill. I told her that our dog Paxil taught him how to roll over. The doctor also said that he has deliberate hand movements even better than expected at his age. Matthew then got his immunizations shots in three needles. He fussed for a while.

After the doctor appointment I took Matthew to Tony's office so that he could meet Tony's co-workers. Matthew is obviously very adept at office politics because he smiled a lot in the arms of Tony's boss. Everyone commented about how big he is for his age.

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