Thursday, November 8, 2007

Dogs and Positive Reinforcement

Good news today: the two Border Collie mix puppies that showed up on our doorstep on October 12th have a new home. They have been adopted by a friend/customer of my mom's bank.
This makes me think of our two dogs Paxil and Domino. They have been doing very well around the baby. They recognize that they have to be very gentle and calm in Matthew's presence. I want them to have a positive association with the baby so I reward them with a dog treat if they are calm and submissive when I am holding the baby. When they see me holding Matthew they immediately sit in hopes of getting a treat. Now they have taken it a step further. They know that I go hold Matthew when he cries. So as soon as Paxil and Domino hear Matthew cry they go to the chair where I feed him and wait for me.

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