Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Matthew's Birthday Brunch

Matthew's First Birthday Brunch (Told through Photos)

The special homemade birthday cake made by our friend Robin.

She also made a mini cake for Matthew to manhandle.

Which he did.

His daddy secretly took him to take a quick bath before he opened his presents.

I ended up with Matthew's cute friend Audrey on my lap. There is something about being in the center of a room full of presents that is appealing to kiddos. Notice Matthew's friend Collin also joining in.

Tony also put together a slide show and video montage of our favorite photos and high definition videos of Matthew on his big screen TV. I was proud of Tony. He was able to keep the presentation down to 10 minutes. This was very difficult because he has taken over 2000 photos of the little guy over the last year. Fortunately, I was able to convince him that the 38th photo of Matthew sleeping was probably unnecessary. We relived our honeymoon argument that he could capture a Maui sunset in 20 seconds as opposed to 20 minutes.

Matthew's party was from 11AM-1:30PM. The party ended just in time for him to take his afternoon nap with his balloon of course.

1 comment:

Dan S said...

Wow, what a beautiful cake, I really hope you compensated the chef very well for all that hard work!