Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Matthew and Ike Aftermath

I will provide a more thorough update in a future blog. I am currently in a coffee shop that has Internet connection. The Houston Vivonas and Varesics made it through the storm okay. Matthew, Tony, and I evacuated to The Woodlands (40 miles north from our home). Ironically, my parents house sustained more damage: A huge 100+ foot pine tree snapped from the middle and landed on their garage and a neighbor's tree fell across the street and landed on my father's truck.
My parents in The Woodlands are without power as of Sunday afternoon. We returned to a house with no damage but no power and no cell phone coverage. My brother (Matthew's Unkie Jude) seems to be doing well in the Southwest side of town, but we haven't talked to him directly. Who made out the best through the storm: Matthew-he got full attention from his mom and dad and grandparentsfor the last five days. Who was the most disturbed throughout the storm? Tony's hell cat Angel. She meow/howeled (meowlled)both trips to and from The Woodlands and left us an SUV that smells like cat urine. FYI, the dogs treated this like a happy ride.

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