Sunday, September 21, 2008

1 Year Exam Stats 2 Weeks Later

A couple of weeks ago on Wednesday September 10th, Matthew had his 1 year exam. Here are his stats: Height 30 3/4 inches (75-90%) and Weight: 23.4 lbs (50-75%). The doc said Matthew is a "tall slender baby". A little different from his 3 month appointment where he was referred to as "ginormous". The doc also gave me suggestions to get him to sleep through the night without feedings. She recommended that Matthew's Dad attend to him at night when he wakes up by reassuring him every 10 minutes until he falls back to sleep. We started this plan on that same night and so far it has been working very well (at least I am getting a lot more sleep). Matthew got three shots during this appointment. The nurse whipped out the syringes so quickly that before Matthew registered that he got his first shot he had already received two more. He cried for a few seconds but then was back to normal.

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