Friday, September 5, 2008

Happy Birthday, Now Watch Mommy Drive

Today is Matthew's birthday and his first birthday present didn't cost anything. Tony turned his rear-facing child car seat around to face forward. For the past several months Matthew fussed and wrestled with me every time I put him in the car seat. He also does that every time I change his diaper which is beside the point. Today on his way to daycare he babbled in delight. I think he likes looking forward instead of into the back seat. We brought balloons to daycare for all of the kids to celebrate Matthew's birthday. We haven't decided what to do for Matthew's Birthday evening.

1 comment:

MommaHolmes07 said...

Happy Birthday Matthew!!! I heard mommy say that she is going to turn my car seat around this weekend. I cannot wait!! See you Sunday for the big bash.