Monday, September 8, 2008

Hurricane Season Baby

Matthew's birthday comes at the peak of Hurricane Season. I remember being especially worried about this last year when I was 9 months pregnant. We decided we had to prepare Matthew for potential downpours somehow. (That and the neighborhood pool is closed for the year). This hurricane season we have averted Edoard, Gustav, and it is yet to be determined if we will be so lucky with Ike. Fortunately, Matthew's Birthday Brunch on Sunday was not in any hurricane "five day cone of probability".

Update: Hurricane Ike did hit us with the eye of the storm passing right over Galveston. Matthew, Tony, all the pets and I evacuated to The Woodlands to be with Matthew's grandparents. The Woodlands got more damage than our side of town and we spent 5 days without power. Crystal Beach, our favorite family/doggie reunion beach on Boliver Peninsula was demolished and Galveston got a historically high storm surge destroying many homes and businesses.

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