Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day and International Festival Weekend

On Saturday afternoon/evening Tony, Matthew, Jacob and I packed the boys wagon and went to the Houston International Festival in downtown Houston. The weather was beautiful and we enjoyed the many "countries" we visited. Ironically, we spent most of our time in Kidsland and Louisiana--I didn't realize that these were countries. Matthew seemed to enjoy the ship at the Jamaica exhibit and the airplanes the most.

Can you find Jacob in this first photo?

How about now ??

Captain Pajama Shorts is at the helm. His Daddy dressed him :)

On Sunday, I had a nice Mother's Day. Tony made me Shrimp and Grits for breakfast and the boys surprised me with a couple of different presents--flowers and a chocolate bouquet. Matthew kept on asking to open the chocolate himself though. As he said to me, "I need chocolate!"--definitely my son. Tony also watched the boys while I got a 2 hour massage.

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