Friday, May 27, 2011

Turn Off the Crying after the Strawberry Festival

Tony, Matthew, Jacob and I had a blast at the Strawberry Festival in Pasadena. We took Matthew to several carnival rides and of course the Extreme Jump Experience. We also had carnie food.. a twisty tater dog for me and a turkey leg for Tony and of course strawberry shortcake for dessert. The festival advertises the World's Largest Strawberry Shortcake. Matthew was too focused on the rides and the jump jumps to take the time to see that.

After any fun event one or both boys cry on the way home. This time Jacob screamed/cried for the full 30 minute ride. Matthew said to Jacob, "Too Loud Jacob, Too Loud!". I then asked Matthew if he would like me to take out his hearing aids. He said yes and soon after that Matthew slept through the crying. This was one time that I wish I had hearing aids I could turn off.

On Tuesday I took Jacob to his weekly Little Gym class. He really enjoys his time in class and explores everything. This is similar to Matthew's Gymboree classes at this age.

This is what happens if I leave Jacob in my "office".

1 comment:

KW said...

Good, starting off with small jumping and then we can get him to skydiving soon. Super!