Friday, May 20, 2011

Matthew's great memory

Last night, daddy was reading books to Matthew -- per usual. That night, I happened to read him a book about the solar system. One of the pages had a picture of an asteroid. Matthew said, "That's a rock by Nana Josie's house. Her garden, remember?". I was stunned!

Just to give you a little bit of background: Most evenings, when Matthew was under Nana Josie's care, he would bring home a few rocks from her garden and we would make a point to return them the next morning. We moved away from our old house (and away from Nana Josie) in March of last year. However, Josie moved out of her apartment and into her daughter's house in December of the previous year. So, the last time Matthew would have played in her rock garden was at the end of 2009.

Matthew just made a reference to something he did last almost 18 months ago. He was recalling a memory of something he did when he was 2 years and 3 months old!!! WOW!

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