Friday, August 8, 2008

Eduoard and the Geekification of Tony 2.0

On Tuesday of this week Tony's company closed due to the predicted path of Tropical Storm Eduoard. During Monday preparations the media made it seem that it would be a hurricane by the time it hit landfall and many companies closed. It was convenient that Tony had the day off because daycare was closed too and I had two proposals due on Tuesday. So Tony and Matthew spent the day together weathering the "storm" which barely hit the West side of Houston. This is what Tony chose to do with Matthew:

Would you like to guess what they were watching? Perhaps you can tell from the TV screen or perhaps you know Tony. Of course they were watching Star Wars.


mjollie said...

Not me baby! I'd have been playing WoW!

Dan S said...

At least start him on the good Star Wars movies.