Friday, August 1, 2008

Almost Walking

There has been five instances of record where Matthew took a step and a half. This means that he takes one step and during his second step he plops to the floor to resort to his crawling. He has done it a couple of times for me. He did it for his Deda during his visit on Wednesday. He has also done it a couple of times at daycare. He hasn't walked to his daddy yet, but it is probably because every time he looks like he is about to, his dad runs to find the video camera and misses the moment. My guess is that he will be walking consistently by mid August. His daddy is reading my blog as I type this and said, "Don't forget to mention that he is doing 'squats'". This means that he stands up without support from a sitting position and then goes up and down several times, always with a toy in hand.

Here is Matthew in the swing that his Daddy attached to the tree in our back yard. (unrelated to this post but too cute not to include)


MommaHolmes07 said...

Good job Matthew!!! Way to build up those thighs so when you start to walk, you will be running faster than your parents are ready for you to.

Dan S said...

But when the walking starts the trouble reallt begins.