Saturday, January 12, 2008

Simon Cowell at Four Months Old

Guest Blogger: Matthew's Uncle Jude Vivona
Simon Cowell at four months old. I have played guitar and sang in front of over 1000 people on the side stage at The Woodlands Pavilion, opening for Bon Jovi. I have entertained drunk friends at parties. I have even played pop songs (Beatles, R.E.M., Green Day...) in front of ravenous Heavy Metal fans sceaming, "You Suck! Play Megadeath! Metallica!" But...

Nothing, could prepare for my one man gig in front of my 4 month old nephew. As Matthew's eyes and face perked with curiosity about the strange instrument infront of him, no doubt trying to figure out how he could grab this gigantic thing and stuff it in his mouth, I started playing some melodic songs to keep his interest. As his interest was waning small cries of displeaure came out as I methodically worked through the intricasies of "Blackbird" by the Beatles on guitar.

Finally, my harshest critic gave me the boot by going into a tantrum after hearing an unDESIREable version of the song "Desire" by U2. As Matthew "Simon Cowell" Varesic uncermoniously made sure that I was not going to Hollwood and made it clear that I better put the guitar away before he goes into a full fledged "shawshank" temper tantrum with arms flailing, and his head back screaming to the sky, luckily his momma came in and saved the day. Next time - I think I'll will stick to the basics: "This Old Man" or "If you're happy and you know it". I'm not sure Matthew's ready for songs about Bono's satirical take on politics.

By Unkie Jude

1 comment:

Maria said...

Does U2's Desire have anything to do with little monkeys jumping on a bed or some disobedient little ducklings going over a hill and far away? Maybe you can add that little customization to the song.. hee hee..

Matthew will certainly start to like your music I am sure. I don't want him to turn 18 and still cry until I sing ducky songs.