Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Father's Day at Noah's Ark

On Father's Day, Matthew and I gave Tony some time to himself while I took Matthew to a Gymboree Music class and later in the early evening the three of us went to a pool party at Noah's Ark, a toddler water park in West Houston. Matthew had a blast! He had the best of both worlds--water and slides. He went down the slides at least 50 times and Tony and I were exhausted by the end of the two hour party. Matthew slept well that night and slept in until 10AM the next day (about 2 hours longer than normal).

Matthew didn't need our help going up and down this slide. Notice he is wearing his baby Michelin Man suit.

Matthew and Daddy with Noah's Ark slides in the background. The feature in the background has a lot of water spouting animals, 3 slides, and a tunnel. Matthew tried all.

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