Friday, May 29, 2009

A Match Made in Heaven-Memorial Day Weekend

This past weekend Tony and I enjoyed a much needed weekend to ourselves to go to a wedding in Austin. We had a nice relaxing time. Matthew's Grandma and Grandpa came over to watch Matthew. They brought their two golden retrievers, Belle and Sassy. Sassy is a child lover and stuck to Matthew most of the weekend enjoying any bit of attention she got from him. Matthew also discovered something he had in common with Belle. They both LOVE to play ball in the back yard. They could play for hours if we let them.

After a lot of running and ball playing in the back yard Matthew enjoyed some book time with Grandma.

A photo of us enjoying our baby-free weekend at the wedding of my high school friend, Bridgette and her husband Craig. Those are Collin's parents on the far right. We enjoyed talking about non-baby things...well at least for about 10% of the time.

On Memorial Day, Matthew played skeeball at Chuck E. Cheese. I decided that this will be a Daddy/Son activity. I got very bored watching Matthew take 30 minutes to roll five balls.

We also spent a good portion of our day goofing off in the house with our little buckethead.

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