Thursday, May 7, 2009

Don't say the "B" Word

As of May 2nd, 3 days before Matthew's 20 month mark, Matthew was officially weaned. The process went very smoothly with one minor mishap. Tony gave Matthew a yogurt first thing in the morning to substitute for a breastfeeding. Matthew said, "MMMM" and then Tony said, "Now isn't that better than boobie?". Right after Tony said the "B Word", Matthew's bottom lip started to quiver and then he started to cry. Tony certainly learned not to use that word. Oh, did I forget to mention that I made a point to be out of the house as much as possible during his first couple of days with out the "B". I have gotten a chance to work out in the mornings--something I haven't been able to do since Matthew was born. Tony has been enjoying this extra bonding time with Matthew, giving him his baths, putting him to bed, and being the first one to attend to him in the morning. I have attached some photos of Matthew with his daddy at his happiest place on earth... at least for now. Gymboree!!

1 comment:

mjollie said...

Happiest place on earth for Matthew or Tony??