Monday, May 19, 2008

Ma Ma Da Da Ba Boon

This past weekend was exciting for Matthew and his parents. In the past couple of weeks Matthew has been "talking" with a greater range than in previous months that involved only elaborate laughs and squeals. Lately he has been saying, Da Da and Ma Ma. Actually it is more like Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da and Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma.. we are just waiting for him to say Dada and Mama in context. For a while Tony tried to convince me that Matthew was referring to him when saying Da Da. Well during our first visit to the zoo on Sunday, Matthew said "Da Da" when he saw the warthog. Of course I laughed and teased Tony a bit. However, being the gentleman that Tony is, he had no comment when Matthew said Ma Ma while looking at a baboon.

On an unrelated note Matthew has two teeth sprouting from his top gums. So this makes a total of four teeth so far. You can see all of his teeth in the attached photo.

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