Monday, March 17, 2008

Matthew's Friend Collin

I have mentioned Matthew's friend Collin several times but have not really blogged about what a great time they had last weekend. My friend from high school, Laura, and her 6 month old son, Collin (he is 2 weeks older than Matthew) visited us last weekend March 8th. They had fun looking at each other on the blanket on the floor. Laura and I have very similar senses of humor so we played baby races to see who's son could make it to the edge of the room the fastest. Neither of the babies had any interest in competing. Matthew was fascinated by Collin's shoes and Collin was fascinated by Matthew's ability to make very LOUD noises (he is used to playing with girls his age). After our time on the blanket, Laura and I took the little ones to the park where Matthew went into an infant swing for the first time. It wasn't Collin's first time.. he played it "way cool" with his sunglasses.

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