Sunday, March 16, 2008

its been a while since the last update...

Dad here. Both mommy and I have been really busy as of late and we've been remiss about blogging. Matthew has been doing new things and experiencing new things every week. This week, he had his first taste of yams. You judge for yourself if he likes them or not.

Matthew has also been in the beginning stages of crawling for the last few weeks...and sliding backwards like his friend Collin (but we have not caught Matthew leaving the room). He would try to crawl by roll on one side and raise that knee into the air. Sometimes, he would roll over since he lifts the leg too high. Maybe he thinks he's a doggy. :-) He would start arching his back, raising his butt into the air but not managing to get his legs under him...until yesterday and now he can rock back and forth. After a few bouts of an uncooperative baby, we managed to get this short video today:

I read today that Collin has started doing the same thing yesterday. Not that this a competition or anything... :-)

1 comment:

MommaHolmes07 said...

Way to go Matthew! Maybe we CAN have those baby races sooner rather than later.