Monday, February 4, 2008

Setting a Bad Precedent

Yesterday (Sunday) I took Matthew to the bookstore. He has been to the bookstore with me several times as you can see from previous blogs. This day we went to the children's section because I had some time to kill. I decided a few weeks back that I would not buy him any new books until he was able to indicate to me what he likes. I was assuming that this would be a few months from now. I picked up an eye-catching book. It was titled "Clap Your Hands" and it had an Elmo puppet built into the book. I used the book puppet to grab Matthew's nose and he squealed with delight. I then proceeded to another section of the store to pick out my next novel to read while breastfeeding. At this time Matthew cried and wouldn't stop. So I picked up the Elmo book and handed it to him and he stopped crying. When I put it back on the shelf he cried again. So I am sure you can figure out what I did.. I bought the book. On my way home I was thinking about all of those kids I have seen in shopping carts at the grocery store check out line--throwing temper tantrums because they want a candy bar..kicking and screaming until the mom gives in. I always thought, I am not going to be one of "those moms". Uh oh.. I have been cursed for judging those moms. At 5 months old, Matthew has learned how to manipulate me.

1 comment:

MommaHolmes07 said...

Yep, you are in big trouble Maria. I am sure I would have done the same thing though. I am glad to see that Matthew continues to like his books. I guess Collin does...