Monday, August 20, 2012

Fish Fest/Beach/Strawberry Festival Weekend

May 19, 2012
On May 19th we went to an ECI (Early Childhood Intervention) sponsored fishing event at the Lake Jackson Sea Center. Deda and Nana Sande met us there and we the boys had so much fun. They fished from a lake stocked with redfish. Deda showed Matthew how to bait the hook. Uncle Paul and Aunt Janice joined us later during the event. We also toured the museum.

After the fish fest we took an impromptu trip to Surfside Beach with Deda and Nana Sande. Jacob followed me into the water without hesitation. However, Matthew did not want to go into the water and played with his sand toys. They both enjoyed themselves though.

That Sunday we went to the Pasadena Strawberry Festival. This was our second year to attend. We had such a good time that it was worth being in the heat and sweating through the whole event.

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