Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween and the Night Before

This was a busy couple of nights for Matthew and Jacob. On Sunday, Oct. 30 we went to Deda and Nana Sandy's house so that Matthew could carve pumpkins and then go "Trunk or Treating" with his cousins. First Jacob found some souvenir wooden shoes from Holland displayed and insisted upon wearing them. He gave me the sign for "shoes".

Of course Matthew had to try them too.

Then we finally got ready for trunk or treating.

On Halloween Night, Jacob went trick or treating for the first time. He was the cutest little fireman. Matthew told me in early October that Jacob wants to be a fireman. That took me by surprise because Jacob doesn't talk yet. I just assumed that Jacob has a way to communicate to Matthew what he wants. Jacob has been picking up a lot of the sign language from videos and from what Matthew (and I) teach him.

When Jacob saw the wagon that he would be riding in he had to go in and refused to come out.. not even to put his costume on.

I had to put his costume on while he was in the wagon.

Matthew after a fun night of trick or treating--reunited with his favorite monkey Bongo. He took Ham his "space monkey" since he seemed to go better with Matthew's astronaut costume.


KW said...

So, when I saw that first all kids picture, the girl in the back...well, it looked like a younger Maria Vivona. i laughed.

Maria said...

:) Kristi, it is funny how my niece who is not of blood relation looks more like me than my sons.