Sunday, October 16, 2011

Zoo Boo and Visiting Cousin Lauren's Fundraiser

We had a full weekend. Friday night we took the boys to the Italian Festival... no photos because it was too dark but we had a great time.. Matthew did some hamster ball walking on water and Jacob danced to Italian music. Of course we ate meatballs and cannolis so I was happy too.

On Saturday we went to a Zoo Event put on by IBM. Matthew showed his daddy the new African Forest exhibit with lots of monkeys, giraffes, rhinos, and drums??

We also saw the lions. Jonathon the male lion was taking a nap while the lioness was watching over the area. I pointed out to Matthew that the Mama Lion has to keep an eye on the place while the Daddy lion takes a nap. I think Tony would have been more offended if it wasn't true.

Afterwards we stopped by the Bass Pro Shop (Outdoorworld) where Uncle Paul was making sausages for a fundraiser for Cousin Lauren's softball team, the Redhots. We have yet to see one of her games but I have seen her pitch during practice and she is VERY Fast.. Everyone who has seen her play agrees that she is an awesome pitcher.

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