Sunday, October 16, 2011

Wings Over Houston-Matt & Jake's First Airshow

Today we went to the Wings Over Houston Airshow. Matthew had a great time! So did Jacob. The pilots put on a great show including the re-enactment of Pearl Harbor and the Canadian Forces Snowbirds and many other acrobatic shows. Of course Matthew enjoyed the Jump Jumps on the grounds too but we tried to take his focus off of this part. We brought some hearing protection because I knew that when the fighter jets broke the sound barrier that even my hearing impaired boys might find the noise unbearable. I am glad we brought them. There were no complaints from them about the noise and I saw several other kids crying when the jets' afterburners kicked in.

Ever since Uncle Tone came to visit in August attending the airshow was an imperative for Matthew. He knows that his uncle flies planes for the Navy and Matthew took pride in knowing that as he saw the show and the planes on display on the grounds. Of course his daddy also made sure he saw NASA's Super Guppy, the "megamind" plane.


MommaHolmes07 said...

We went yesterday and had a great time. Looks like the Varesic boys did too. Maybe next year we can go together.

Maria said...

Glad you had a good time too. I think we rested under the same B2 Bomber wing for shade. My only complaint about the event was the lack of shade. I hope we can go together next year.