Thursday, August 18, 2011

Bionic Baby #2—Jacob Gets Hearing Aids 8/5/11

On Friday August 5th I took Jacob to Dr. Caroline Williams the Audiologist for Texas ENT to pick up Jacob’s Hearing Aids. We took Matthew along because he loves to visit Dr. Williams and Dr. Johnson (or Dr. Jonathon as Matthew says). Jacob has some hearing loss like his big brother but we caught it almost a year earlier than we did Matthew’s. We decided we need to get him hearing aids for this critical speech development period age 1- age 3. Jacob’s hearing aids fit fine but I can already tell that he is going to pull them out frequently until he gets used to them. Upon the time of this writing he has spent 3 weeks with the hearing aids and he has done pretty well with them. He pulls them out when he is fussy. I believe it is because he knows this will get my attention rather than that they bother him. I guess I will have to wait until he can speak before I can know this for sure.

Of course we always stop someplace fun after going to Texas ENT. This time it was Chick Fil A.

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