Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Matthewisms and Jacob doings

This past weekend Matthew wacked his daddy in the kneecap with the plastic golf club shown here and said, "Daddy is a xylophone". I told Tony that he is lucky Matthew wasn't trying to hit the high notes.

Matthew and Jacob love bath time. This is Jacob munching Matthew's bath letters while Matthew bathes close by.

Recently, Jacob graduated to being able to take a bath without his baby tub. He enjoyed splash time with his brother.

We later discovered that it is easier to clean him in the dishwasher...

They also enjoy spending time together in the ball pit.

This is what we get for leaving Kleenex within Jacob's reach. He pulled out every single tissue.

The "Cone of Silence": We discovered that Jacob loves to chew on ice creamless ice cream cones. Since this usually stops his crying we have dubbed them the cone of silence.

Sorry, no explanation for this photo

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