Thursday, March 17, 2011

jacob is officially walking around

Dad here. Jacob has been attempting to walk for last few weeks. Even though his poor little ears were full of liquid, which no doubt disrupted his balance, we has determined to do it.

He has been taking a step here and there. So quick that we could not start the video camera quickly enough to capture the moment. And when we are ready to footage, he stops. You know, the usual shyness when on camera...

On Tuesday, the day before his successfull ear tube surgery, we finally got something on video. As you will see, he has incredible balance, even before the ear tube surgery.

Now, Jacob can walk over ten feet with out falling down. He just takes a few steps, regains his balance, and continues the walking. Also, he can remain on his feet for minutes at a time.

1 comment:

MommaHolmes07 said...

Congrats Jacob!!! Now....start running. -From Collin