Thursday, April 9, 2009

New non-talking milestones

Matthew has been recovering from a cough and ear infection. He is much better now. Here are some cute things he has been doing lately. Hopefully we can post video sometime soon.
  1. Shooting a Basket: He does a gesture that looks like he is going through the motions or shooting a basket and ending up with an extended arm and a limp wrist. He does this to express his enthusiasm about whatever is going on or perhaps to accuse someone of being light in the loafers.. hee hee..

  2. Drumming Head Bob: Matthew uses his new authentic drumsticks to drum on the table or his makeshift drum set that he sets up himself by lining up his bongos, tambourine, and any can he can find. Now he bobs his head when he drums like a real rock musician.

  1. Humming: Matthew hums The Blue Danube. It is a song that plays from his music box on his changing table. His Daddy has been humming it to him since he was a few weeks old. I just witnessed him humming it for the first time this morning.

  2. MMMMM: A few weeks ago Matthew started to say MMMM after he takes a bite of something. He says it very loudly to make sure every one knows he is eating.

  3. Throwing Accuracy: Matthew loves to throw the light plastic balls from his ball pit. For the past month or so he enjoys throwing the balls at a drum or tambourine it makes a drum noise and then lands back in the pit. This makes both of us happy because it makes a drumming noise and it means less clean up for me.

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