Friday, April 24, 2009

Easter and more

Matthew enjoyed two Easter egg hunts this year. One at church on April 4th and the other on the Saturday before Easter with the neighborhood association. He definitely understood his mission-Find eggs and put them in his basket. Both hunts were at a playground and I wondered whether he would assume that there are always candy filled eggs at playgrounds. We let Matthew enjoy some of the candy afterwards. We discovered that his favorite is peanutbutter cups.

Matthew, Tony, and I spent Easter Sunday together. After church we went to an Easter Brunch at the Houston Aquarium. Matthew was enthralled with the fish all around him. He also rode on the merry go round and the Shark voyage train. However, after enjoying all of the features that cost us money.. he decided his favorite was the "free" water fountains. Tony and I learned a lesson.. "always bring a towel", just in case Matthew gets the opportunity to get sopping wet before an hour long drive home.
I especially like this photo because he looks like he is conducting a water orchestra.

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