Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Keeping Up with Matthew or Training for the Marathon?

Lately, Matthew has been running... not walking. He loves for me to chase him no matter where we are. I took Matthew to Discovery Green park last Saturday for a Gymboree event that involved a parachute, bubbles, finger puppets, his friends Collin and Gavin and the edge of a dock that he kept running toward. When I ran to pick him up he squirmed until I let him down and then ran to the edge of the dock again. Later we went into the water fountains and he had a blast with his friend Collin. Last Sunday we went to a friend's birthday party. Matthew spent the whole two hours running laps around the house with me chasing him. Fortunately since then I got a break, Monday through Friday while I worked. However, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday he started again, running, exploring and seeing how fast he could run away fom me giggling the whole time. Friday and Saturday nights we went to restaurants with sandboxes, which Matthew LOVED. Of course he tried to sit on other kids' sandcastles. I succeeded in averting his efforts all except for one time. There was lots of crying and apologizing. This past Sunday Matthew enjoyed a visit from his grandparents, Unkie Jude and Kerry and his Cousin Stephen. He decided that we should all get our exercise chasing him or walking him in his buggie.

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