Monday, December 3, 2007

Matthew's Party and Beach Weekend Excitement

Matthew had an eventful weekend. On Saturday morning he went to his cousin Bodie's birthday party. He got a chance to see his cousins, aunts, uncles and his Deda and watch them jump around on the huge blow-up space walks. He also watched his daddy scarf down lotsa pizza. After the party we went straight to the beach on Boliver Peninsula (an hour away plus a ferry ride from Clear Lake). We spent the weekend in a rented beach house. This was Matthew's first time to travel over night. He did exceptionally well in his portable crib and charmed his grandparents, Uncle Jude, and Kerry with his smiles and chatterings. He also seemed to like the strolls along the beach. The weather was unseasonably warm for December (in the 80's). Matthew's daddy even dunked his toes in the gulf for his first pre-swim experience. He cried a little. It is still yet to be determined whether he will be a swimmer like his Daddy.

1 comment:

MommaHolmes07 said...

Hi Mom this is Matthew, I wanted to say man that water was so cold it made me piss my pants.

Just kiddin, he is really cute and has a good set of lungs on him.