Thursday, February 23, 2012

Milestone for Matthew with a Little Sadness

This morning on the way to school Matthew said to me, "I don't want to take Bongo to school with me anymore. Mrs. Beard says that I am growing.".

Up until now Matthew has been attending his preschool every day with his precious Bongo. With this new statement I feel like I should provide a montage of sentimental photos of Matthew with his Bongo. Instead I will just provide the most recent photos of Matthew and Jacob putting Bongo on top of their make believe ice cream sundae where Bongo was the cherry on top.

Matthew said that Bongo can go on bicycle rides with him and Grandpa around the lake though. I also assume he will sleep with Bongo by his side.

On a side note: Matthew took Bongo in the car with him this morning. He likes to play a game where he throws Bongo at the front dashboard and if he hits just the right spot the radio starts playing. Matthew has gotten very good at this. His Daddy does not like this game. This morning Bongo hit the emergency flashers on my dashboard and I could not figure out how to turn them off for several miles (and passing three police cars). I decided that I no longer like the Bongo throwing game either. Fortunately, I did not get pulled over because I know the police officer would have gotten a Bongo thrown at his face.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Matthew: "My Favorite Day is Valentine's Day"

Yesterday Matthew told me that his favorite day is Valentine's Day. I clarified, "You like Valentine's day more than Christmas or your Birthday?" He said, "Yes". So I decided that it would be a good idea to make some Valentine cookies (I had some left over Christmas Cookie ingredients that I never got around to making with him). Matthew, Jacob, and I made some heart shaped cookies and then we decorated them. Matthew did so well.. he would sprinkle just a little red sugar on the top of the cookie then of course Jacob wanted to decorate and he poured the whole bottle of red sugar on one cookie. Jacob also had a mishap with the flour.

I took the morning off this morning to go to Matthew's Valentine's party. I like to see him at school. He is so sweet and polite. It always shocks me that the little boy who loves to contradict his Dad all of the time and shove his baby brother is such a sweet little angel at school.

This past weekend Jacob had his first Soccertots session. Jacob had a great time.

Jacob's Soccertots class was at 9AM and Matthew's class was at 1:30, so in between we had lunch and Matthew and Jacob made an "ice cream sunday" with the exercise ball and bucket.