Monday, January 30, 2012

Fun Weekend/Exhausting Weekend Winterfest and Cousin Lauren's Birthday

On Saturday 1/28/12 we took Matthew and Jacob to Pearland's Winterfest. The 4 year old girl sitting next to us on the shuttle summed it up in just two sentences, "I must be dreaming. Somebody pinch me." I have never seen so many jump jumps in one place. We only had time to go to a few in order to allow time for all of the activities we wanted to try. Here is one of Matthew's favorites the Great White.

Of course Matthew went down the tornado. This was appropriate this week because on Wednesday 3 days earlier Pearland businesses about a mile away experienced a tornado:

Then Matthew and Jacob each tried tubing down the snow made from pulverized bags of ice. It was 70 degrees outside.

Pony rides (Jacob's first):

Matthew went in this saloon/brothel themed fun house at least 10 times.

It had a maze mirror and a twisty slide that simulates having a bouncer throwing out the drunks.

On Sunday we went to visit cousin Lauren for the day after her slumber party. She still had a lot of clothes in her room that they played dress up with. Jacob was glad to be the little Ken doll to allow Lauren and her friend McKensie continue the fun.

Of course the boys had a great time playing on Lauren's birthday present--- A trampoline complete with spring cover and netting. They both had a blast. See videos in another post.

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