Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Jake Stats: 9 Month Well Baby Exam

Jakie Jakes had his 9 month Well Baby exam today. He is looking "perfect" according to the doctor. Height: 29 1/4 inches (82%)
Weight: 22 lbs 3 ounces (76%)
Head Circumference: 18 1/2 inches
I tried to find Matthew's stats for 9 months but did not seem to record them on this blog. I probably shouldn't be comparing my two boys anyway but sometimes I like to have a point of reference. All is great with Jacob he is even less congested and breathing a lot better.

He is still a chrome dome but now has the added nickname of, "Speedy". His daddy gave him that name because he crawls very quickly.

When I was looking for Matthew's 9 months stats I came across the "Reverse Indian" again. I knew this blog was a great way to keep records. Matthew did the Reverse Indian for about two weeks and never again. I am glad we got it on video.

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