Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas Pagent, Party, and Festival

On Friday night Matthew had his first public speaking performance. He was in a Christmas Pageant and he was the letter "T" when spelling out Seasons Greetings with his classmates. He spoke very clearly. That "T" is for Tree decorated for Christmas. He didn't seem nervous or figitty.

After Matthew's performance he met with Santa and got a stuffed lizard for a present. See the new toy next to Bongo.

Saturday Matthew and Jacob went to their cousin Bodie's 5th Birthday party. While the bigger kids were playing elsewhere Jacob got a chance to play in the Jump Jump with his brother (Tony took photos from inside until he was ordered by his sister to vacate immediately).

Jacob could fit into the pinata and put up with his mama goofing around.

Sunday we went to the Pearland Town Center Christmas Festival.

We took a potential Christmas Card Photo and....

Outtakes of Matthew giving his face that he makes when he thinks that someone is joking with him.

Matthew was too tired to make it up the stairs to his bedroom.

Matthew after eating his Nutella sandwich.

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