Thursday, December 23, 2010

A 3 year old's meaning of christmas

Dad here, again. As I was putting Matthew to bed this evening, we were discussing the meaning of Christmas. I told him that were celebrating Jesus' birthday in a few days to which he asked "birthday cake or cupcakes?".

He never ceases to amaze me with his intelligence... Hopefully this is a sign that he is growing out of the stage that his stuffed monkey, Bongo, poo poos everything, i.e. "Bongo poo pooed the potty".

Jacob hit a milestone today!

Don't worry, he's fine... ;-)

He has been sitting for the past week or so but he stood up today. Look at how cute he is!!!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Don't Drop Bongo Down There, Grandpa!

Earlier in December Matthew's Grandpa and I took Matthew to the Houston Zoo. I took the day off and it was a beautiful afternoon. Matthew took his beloved Bongo, his stuffed monkey, to the zoo with him. One of the first exhibits we visited was the elephant exhibit. Matthew was on my shoulders and Grandpa was trying to take a photo of us while holding Bongo for Matthew. While trying to take the photo Grandpa accidentally dropped Bongo into the outer elephant enclosure. This was the fenced in area around the elephant cage. Fortunately there was also an inner enclosure for the elephants. Neither Grandpa or myself had long enough arms to get Bongo. Our rescue mission involved lowering Matthew into the elephant enclosure by his ankles so that Matthew could grab Bongo. All went as planned and Bongo was safe in Matthew's arms again. It went so well that it seemed that Matthew thought nothing of this "added adventure".

However, later the same day we were looking at the bear exhibit. This enclosure had a 12 foot ditch on the other side of the fence. Matthew looked down the ditch and then said very clearly, "Grandpa, don't drop Bongo down there!" Feeding off the laughs that he got, Matthew then said the same thing at every new exhibit. Grandpa and I had a topic of discussion at each new exhibit: How would we get Bongo out of that exhibit?

On the same day of the Bongo rescue mission we visited the African Forest the new exhibit at the Houston Zoo. Matthew got to feed the giraffes.

Here is footage of the Bongo rescue. Pay no mind to the finger in the video.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas Pagent, Party, and Festival

On Friday night Matthew had his first public speaking performance. He was in a Christmas Pageant and he was the letter "T" when spelling out Seasons Greetings with his classmates. He spoke very clearly. That "T" is for Tree decorated for Christmas. He didn't seem nervous or figitty.

After Matthew's performance he met with Santa and got a stuffed lizard for a present. See the new toy next to Bongo.

Saturday Matthew and Jacob went to their cousin Bodie's 5th Birthday party. While the bigger kids were playing elsewhere Jacob got a chance to play in the Jump Jump with his brother (Tony took photos from inside until he was ordered by his sister to vacate immediately).

Jacob could fit into the pinata and put up with his mama goofing around.

Sunday we went to the Pearland Town Center Christmas Festival.

We took a potential Christmas Card Photo and....

Outtakes of Matthew giving his face that he makes when he thinks that someone is joking with him.

Matthew was too tired to make it up the stairs to his bedroom.

Matthew after eating his Nutella sandwich.