Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween 2010: Pumpkin Carving, Candy Drop, and T or T ing

Matthew and Jacob had a busy Halloween weekend. On Saturday we went to their Deda's house to carve pumpkins with the cousins.

Saturday around 5:30PM we went to the "Helicopter Candy Drop" at the local high school. Matthew enjoyed seeing the "BIG Red Helicopter".

Sunday afternoon we tried on costumes from Halloweens past. Matthew tried on the hat of his newborn Halloween costume.

Jacob is wearing Matthew's 1 year birthday costume. Somehow he just does not look threatening enough to be the Hulk.

The elephant costume was a lot better suited to Jacob. If he didn't conk out before trick or treating this is what he would have worn.

On Sunday night, Halloween, Deda came over to trick or treat with Matthew and Tony.

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