Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Does "Fruit Loops" cereal contain crack?

Last Sunday night, Mom, Dad and Unkie Jude went to see the movie Avatar in IMAX 3D. Unkie Jude's girlfriend, Kerry, babysat Matthew. To supplement his ongoing speech-therapy, Kerry introduced him to "Fruit Loops" cereal as a way to enforce Matthew's recognition, and eventual saying, of colors.

However, there is one unforeseen side effect: Matthew is now obsessed with Fruit Loops. He is constantly pointing up and / or climbing into the pantry, regardless if the "Fruit Loops" cereal box is in sight.

Yesterday, Nana Josie (from daycare) was running a fever so Matthew stayed at home for the day and Matthew had THREE bowls of Fruit Loops. I am sure he would have had more if mom did not stop him.

Which leads me to the question that I posed in the title. Does "Fruit Loops" cereal contain crack? Or another addictive substance? More importantly, do we need to perform a toddler intervention on him to cure him of his addiction?

Today, during lunch, Matthew and mom had another fruit loop struggle.. He refuses mac & cheese, or anything else... He is on the floor crying at the pantry now.

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