Monday, September 21, 2009

Can't Sleep Elmo will Eat Me

On Sunday we went to the Babies R Us store closing sale and we bought Matthew a toddler bed. It is cute and has Elmo on it. Tony put together the bed on Sunday afternoon and Matthew slept in it for the first time on Sunday night. He seemed to be very interested in the bed at first and even lied down in it without being prompted. However, when I checked him at 3:30AM he was sleeping on the floor, so I picked him up and put him back in his bed. When I checked on him again at 6AM he was lying on the floor again with his diaper half off. He got up at 7AM and walked out of the bedroom holding his diaper in his hand. I wouldn't consider his first night in his toddler bed to be successful, but it wasn't too bad since he woke up in a good mood this morning.

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