Friday, January 2, 2009

Christmas at the Varesic house

Matthew was showered with presents at Christmas. Christmas day was spent at Maria's parent's house where he went into the hot tub for the first time; the water was 94 degrees so he was not being prepared for a "baby stew" by any stretch of the imagination. I wonder if it reminded him of the womb, minus the bubbles of course! Afterward, the heat was cranked up for the adults to a more reasonable 104. Wouldn't you know it but Matthew was frantically searching the kitchen for the potatoes and carrots. :-)

Matthew got a lot of presents including a musical rainstick and other percussion instruments, books, clothes/shoes, lots of toys and a Jump-o-lene, which was first filled with 250 balls before daddy got 400 more so that he can practice his swimming in there. He also received a narcisistic rocking horse who sings "I'm a pretty pony, clippety clop, clippety clop; such a pretty pony, clippety clop, clippety clop"and a baby etch-a-sketch, baby laptop, and ball activity center.

If you look closely, you will see a buried baby in this picture...

We visited his Deda on the day after Christmas, where he got lots of presents from his Deda, Aunt Andrea and Uncle Paul. He also had a big bowl of his late Baka's Veal and Vegetable soup for the first time. He absolutely loved it!

Matthew has also been pointing to his nose when we ask him, "Where is your Matthew's nose?". He correctly identifies his eyes, ears, cheeks and mouth too.

The parents got to shoot some fireworks at Barb and Carl's house on New Year's Eve. Too bad Matthew is too young to witness that hour-long explosion fest.

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