Sunday, December 21, 2008

Little Drummer Boy

Matthew still loves his percussion set that his Unkie Jude gave him for a present earlier this year. It has become an afternoon ritual that every afternoon after I pick him up from daycare we play on his drums to his favorite music. Recently, Matthew has misplaced the drumstick which is only one part of his 8 part percussion kit. He knows that I keep his drum set high on a desk in his play area and recently he points to it every time he enters the room. When I pull down all of the pieces, except the drumstick which we still haven't found, he will play the percussion set for a couple of minutes and then point up as if to say, "I want my drumstick too". Tony and I have ransacked the house looking for this drumstick... no luck yet. See the Little Drummer Boy in action from an earlier blog:

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