Monday, October 29, 2007

Seven Weeks at Home with Matthew (First Post)

I never thought I would have my hands free to start a blog site, but fortunately Matthew's sleeping patterns are getting more predictable. Caring for my beautiful newborn son seems a lot less overwhelming now than in the first two weeks. So here I am starting this site on his seventh week as my "new boss". It is the week of Halloween and already Matthew surprised his visitors and friends with his Horton, Dumbo, or elephant costume. So is it true that elephants never forget? Is Matthew going to be describing this experience someday to a therapist?.. I sure hope not. Don't worry he is still exclusively breastfed and has not been fed any peanuts (unless you count the peanutbutter sandwich that I ate before breastfeeding him).

1 comment:

dad said...

Looks good. I'll add more pictures soon. :-)