Thursday, September 16, 2010

Playground Playground

When Tony and I first bought the house in Pearland we decided that we wanted to put up a play structure for the boys. We thought that the best time to have it up was when we are entering Autumn and the weather isn't as blistering hot. It worked out well that this time of year is also Matthew's birthday.

Tony was so impressed with Matthew knowing what was being built when it was at this stage. He started saying, "Playground, Playground".

It was at this stage on Friday Sept. 10th and by Monday Sept. 13, Matthew was ready to play.

Week 2 of Matthew's 3rd Birthday

Matthew's Birthday was on Sept. 5th but his birthday party was on Sept. 11th at Jumpin Jungle. He had a great time at his birthday party. He had several friends and cousins join him at the indoor spacewalk facility. It made for a cramped party room when pizza and cake were served but Matthew wasn't complaining.

He had a few other surprises throughout the week to lead up to his party. Tuesday after Labor Day his daycare wished him a Happy Birthday.

Here are some photos from the party. We first spent an hour and 15 minutes in the jumping room. It had a slide, two bouncers, and an obstacle course. The slide was most popular by far.

Jacob got passed around a lot but didn't seem to mind. He enjoyed time with Unkie Jude and Barbara and many others.

Matthew's Fun Crew.

We got two cakes... a white Dora cake and a chocolate monkey cupcake cake.

Matthew didn't seem to understand that this was for him. My little modest boy.

The cousins and Deda.

Afterward, Grandma and Grandpa babysat Matthew and Jacob so that Tony and I could take a breather and have another date night. (That makes 3 Saturdays in a row--thank you Gma and Gpa).

Gotta love the baby Buc-ee shirt.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Matthew's Birthday Present

Matthew turned 3 on September 5th, that was Sunday of this Labor Day weekend. Matthew got his first present when he first woke up in the morning. This probably wasn't the best place for Jacob at that moment.

We got Jacob a gift for Matthew's birthday too....

Some other members of the family were not too pleased about Matthew's gift.