Sunday, March 18, 2012

Spring Break 2012--Staycation

This year Tony and I took the week off for Matthew's Spring Break. We decided that we would not travel anywhere out of the Houston/Galveston area and enjoy the events around town.

So Sunday 3/04 we went to the Kemah Boardwalk. Matthew had a blast here last time we went in 2010. Now Jacob is big enough to go on some of the rides. They loved the airplane ride.. although Matthew and Jacob fought about who got to touch the console buttons. I don't think they would make good pilot/co-pilot. Matthew enjoyed having Bongo ride on the wing.

In 2010 Matthew had a "meltdown" because he wasn't tall enough for this ride that spins fast and then elevates on one side. He rode it this year but when he was finished he said he did not want to go again.

Matthew tried this ride that free fell briefly.. he didn't like it that much.

However, they enjoyed the train ride with their Daddy.

The last ride of the day was the Aviator. It went much higher than any other ride Matthew went on with exception of the Ferris Wheel. He seemed to like it a lot.

On Monday, March 12 we went to Schlitterbaun in Galveston. We dropped Jacob off at daycare and enjoyed the day with Matthew in the indoor part of this water park. They had a big pirate boat with lots of slides and a frog slide where you slid down on the frog's tongue. Matthew kept trying to slide down head first but a Schlitterbaun employee told him not to slide that way. Tony and I really enjoyed the Torrent River with Matthew that was a relaxing tube ride with simulated waves.

On Wednesday, March 14, we went to the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Carnival. Matthew really enjoyed this last year and we made a point to get the package from Matthew's school to enjoy the day. We used the wagon canopy for the first time. Tony used a lot of choice words while trying to assemble this in the parking lot.

I finally got a chance to do the bumper cars with Matthew. This was one of his favorite rides and so memorable we referred to the carnival as the "bumper car carnival".

By the end of they day they were exhausted and napped on the way home.

On Saturday, St. Patrick's Day Matthew was recovering from his fourth ear tube surgery on Thursday and we spent Friday and Saturday at home. They didn't seem to mind after we brought out the bubbles. Tony bought a new bubble gun that was a lot easier for Jacob to handle.

Matthew and Jacob relaxing on the couch.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Just Eating Pizza

Dinner time is usually a struggle with Matthew and Jacob. They never seem to eat unless we feed them every bite. However, tonight with pizza the boys seemed quite happy--perfect photo op.